How to Get Involved

Dale Griffiths Stamos
Writer / Director /Executive Producer
Enjoy the promo video my editor and I made for IMBALANCE during our preproduction phase. We have now shot the film and are continuing to raise funds for post production and marketing.
Please consider donating.

Make a Tax Free Donation
We are enormously grateful for our association with CREATIVE VISIONS which means all donations to our film project will be tax dedutible!

Creative Visions is an organization that empowers creative activists worldwide to raise awareness of critical issues and drive positive change through impact storytelling - one of the most powerful tools we have for creating a more just, caring and sustainable world. For more information about the various artistic projects they support and promote, go to: https://www.creativevisions.org/
Contribution Levels & Perks
$20,000 and above:
Executive Producer credit in film’s opening credits, with IMDb listing
Visits to a rehearsal and to the set
Invitation to opening night screening and party
Poster signed by the lead actors
$10,000 – $19,999:
Co-Executive Producer credit in opening credits, with IMDb listing
Visits to a rehearsal and to the set
Invitation to opening night screening and party
Poster signed by the lead actors
$5,000 - $9,999:
Associate Producer credit in opening credits, with IMDb listing
Invitation to opening night screening and party
Poster signed by lead actors
Tax deduction from Creative Visions (see link below)
$500 – $4999:
“SPECIAL THANKS” in film’s closing credits
Poster signed by lead actors
For all other donations over $25, name will be listed in THANKS TO: in closing credits.